分类:伺服控制器 品牌:ElectroCraft 厂商:深圳市汇升睿控科技有限公司 型号:DA4709/DA4718 相关行业:
For Brush-Commutated PMDC Motors. Up to 1260 W. This servo-amplifier is built into a fully enclosed rugged aluminum case. Mode of operation is set by simple DIP switches. This drive handles a wide range of power supply voltages (from 11 to 70VDC) for a variety of power input requirements. Inputs include current limit, set value input, enable, tach and a ramp function. The drive handles continuous currents up to 9 and 18A. The pulse-width modulated power stage utilizes 95% efficient MOSFET-technology and is protected against over-current and over-temperature.
DA47 Specifications
DA47 Technical Drawings