分类:蓄电池 品牌:CSB-希世比 厂商:深圳市意华宝电子有限公司 型号:CSB电池 HR1234WF2 相关行业:
CSB电池(CSB蓄电池) HR1234WF2 HR1234W 12V 34w/cell HR 1234WF2 is specially designed for high efficient discharge application. Its characteristics are small volume, light weight and high discharge efficiency. It can be used for more than 260 cycles at 100% discharge in cycle service, up to 5 yeas in standby service. 规格书 局数 6 电压值 12V 安培数 34W @ 15 minute-rate to 1.67V per cell @ 25°C (77°F) 重量(kg) Approx. 2.50kg. (5.51lbs.) 最大放电电流5秒(A) 100/130A (5sec.) 内阻(mΩ) Approx. 19mΩ 温度工作范围 Discharge:-15℃~50℃(5°F~122°F) Charge:-15℃~40℃(5°F~104°F) Storage:-15℃~40℃(5°F~104°F) 一般使用温度工作范围 25°C ± 3°C (77°F ± 5°F) 浮充使用充电条件 13.5 to 13.8 VDC/unit Average at 25°C (77°F) 安培数/只 3.4A 循环寿命测试条件 14.4 to 15.0 VDC/unit Average at 25°C (77°F) 单一放电条件 CSB Batteries can be stored for more than 6 months at 25°C (77°F) Please charge batteries before using. For higher temperatures the time interval will be shorter. 端子 F1/F2-Faston Tab187/250 电槽组材质 ABS(UL94-HB/File E50263)*Flammability resistance of(UL94-V0/File E88367) can be available upon request.