分类:智能仪表 品牌:欧陆电子 厂商:上海阜立自动化科技有限公司 型号:TE10A 相关行业:
These robust thyristor units are ideally suited for applications where voltage and current surges can be expected. Short wave infrared lamps for example can be controlled with TE10A using phase angle or advanced single cycle firing which reduces flicker.
FlexibilityThe TE10A is controlled by an analogue signal which is selectable for DC current or voltage. A ? Volts user?voltage allows local control by a potentiometer. A plug-in connector avoids any risk of wiring error if the unit has to be replaced.
The TE10A can be used with non-standard mains (option). Standard 45mm DIN window format allows mounting in a housing with a panel cut-out or DIN Rail mounting in a cabinet.
Toughness/ReliabilityTE10A thyristors can withstand momentary over currents up to 15 times the nominal rating. This is important when controlling short-wave infrared elements.
The thyristor breakdown voltage is three times greater than the nominal operating voltage. Current derating curves as a function of ambient temperature enable TE10A units to be used up to +60癈.