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电 话:01057139633
邮 箱:bjzrl168@163.com
网 址:http://www.siemensdq.net/
传 真:010-67506301
地 址:马家堡西路36号
邮 编:100068
北京中瑞联自控设备有限公司 北京中瑞联国际贸易有限公司是一家专业为自动化行业提供软硬件综合性服务公司,服务项目为,各种自动化产品芯片级维修和自动化产品配套PLC编程、调试服务与产品销售。我们以诚信的态度,合理的价格、优质的服务与丰富的经验为各行业的客户提供专业到位的服务,为客户既争取了时间又节省了费用。   维修部:维修各行业电路板,机加工设备系统,主板,控制器,电源,变频器,PLC触摸屏等。无行业无品牌限制,无需图纸,价格合理。   机电部:针对各行业设备提供配套服务,协助设备厂商进行新产品自动化系统开发。也可以提供老旧设备的自动化升级改造服务。同时提供定长切断、供水恒压、内窥镜洗消机、灭菌釜等成熟的控制系统。   公司将以现代化的科学管理为您带来质量保证,以优良的信誉、优质的产品和热忱的服务报答广大用户对中瑞联公司的厚爱。公司全体员工始终坚持“质量第一、用户至上”的敬业精神财富,为建设现代化的企业而不懈努力,竭诚欢迎新老客户与我们携手合作,共创辉煌 Zhong Rui Lian International Trading Company LTD , LTD. Is a professional to provide comprehensive service automation industry hardware and software company, service project, all kinds of automation products for the maintenance of chip level and automation products supporting PLC programming, commissioning services and product sales. We with sincere attitude, reasonable price and high quality service and rich experience for customers in various professional in place to provide the service for our clients, for both the time and save cost. Maintenance department: maintenance industries circuit boards, machine equipment system, main board, controller, power supply, frequency converter, PLC and touch screen. No industry, without drawing without brand limit, the price is reasonable. Electrical and mechanical department: provides services industry against the equipment, assist equipment manufacturers in new product development of automation system. Can also provide old equipment automation upgraded services. At the same time provide will cut off the constant pressure water supply, long, endoscopic wash-infection machine, sterilization kettle and mature control system. The company will be modern scientific management to bring you the quality guarantee, with good credit standing, high quality products and cordial service thanked the users to Swedish league company's deep love. All the staff of the company always adhere to the "quality first, the user is supreme" the professional spirit wealth for the construction of modernization, enterprise and unremitting efforts, we sincerely welcome old and new customers to cooperate with us and create a brilliant future 销售一部: 86-010-57139633 销售二部:86-010-57139636 传 真: 86-010-67506301 邮 箱: bjzrl168@163.com 网 址: www.siemensdq.net 地 址: 中国北京丰台区马家堡西路36号