
等 级:金牌企业
电 话:021-64128030
邮 箱:info@komoy.com.cn
网 址:http://www.komoy.com.cn
传 真:021-64606349
地 址:上海徐汇区漕河泾开发区虹梅路2007号6号楼2楼
邮 编:200233
公司简介: 于2004年4月在中国上海成立上海法通数控机械有限公司,属中日合作经营企业,主业致力于CNC电控及机械销售、维修,是工厂制造业中CNC供应链解决方案供应商。 依托外方的资源优势,在资金、备件、专用测试设备、技术提升的同时,亦使服务理念得以先进,流程更趋完善,响应反馈更加高效。 下设营业中心∕工程部/售服部&维修中心,服务于中国工业领域的广大用户。 Introduction FATON CNC MACHINERY CO., LTD. has been established in Shanghai, China since April 2004. The company is a supplier for the solution plan of CNC supply chain in manufacturing industry, mainly focusing on the selling and maintenance of CNC equipments and machinery. As a Sino-Japanese cooperative joint venture, FATON takes the advantage of resource from the Japanese partner. With the improvement of capital and technical investment, complete spare parts and special testing facilities have been equipped. Meanwhile, the idea and flow of services has been advanced, leading to more effective response and feedback. Three departments have been established in FATON, including Marketing Centre, Department of Engineering, and Maintenance Centre, which offer great services for the consumers of industry sector in China. For more information of FATON, please check the following website: http://www.komoy.com.cn
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