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Milton Guerry当选为国际机器人联合会新一任主席

发布时间:2020-03-25 来源:中国机器人产业联盟网 类型:行业资讯 人浏览

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国际机器人联合会(IFR)于3月17日在德国法兰克福发布新闻,宣布国际机器人联合会(IFR)执行委员会选举SCHUNK美国公司的Milton Guerry 为新任主席,同时任命KUKA 机器人的Klaus Koenig担任副主席。Milton Guerry表示:“我很荣幸能担任国际机器人联合会新一任主席,并期待与Klaus Koenig和IFR成员的合作能取得成功。”Milt...,机器人,自动化,ABB,KUKA

国际机器人联合会(IFR)于317日在德国法兰克福发布新闻,宣布国际机器人联合会(IFR)执行委员会选举SCHUNK美国公司的Milton Guerry 为新任主席,同时任命KUKA 机器人的Klaus Koenig担任副主席。

Milton Guerry表示:“我很荣幸能担任国际机器人联合会新一任主席,并期待与Klaus KoenigIFR成员的合作能取得成功。”Milton201912月起担任IFR副主席,他的前任是瑞士ABB公司的Steven WyattSteven201912月起当选IFR轮值主席,在此之前他担任了两年IFR副主席,现在Steven将离开ABB公司和机器人行业。

Milton Guerry感谢Steven Wyatt多年来为国际机器人联合会所做的卓越工作:“Steven在支持全球机器人发展方面做得非常出色。他激励了机器人行业及相关方面,比如各个国家(地区)机器人协会、机器人制造商和研究机构以及媒体等。我们将继续承担他的使命,进一步增强对瞬息万变的机器人和自动化产业的深入理解。”

Milton Guerry SCHUNK美国公司的总裁,总部位于北卡罗莱纳州的莫里斯维尔。他于2000年加入SCHUNK公司,担任过多种主管职务,2007年开始担任总裁。Milton是美国机器人协会(RIA)董事会成员,他的职业生涯始于汽车行业工程和技术多个岗位。

Klaus Koenig任位于德国奥格斯堡的KUKA机器人部的首席执行官(CEO)。他于20177月加入KUKA AG,担任首席运营官(COO)。此前,他曾在德国汽车行业担任过多种主管职务。他的职业生涯还包括在海外 - 加拿大和意大利工作多年的经历。Klaus拥有德国亚琛RWTH大学机械工程学位。

International Federation of Robotics elects Milton Guerry as new President


Frankfurt, March 17 th , 2020  The Executive Board of the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) elected Milton Guerry of SCHUNK USA as new President. Klaus Koenig of KUKA Robotics has been appointed as IFRs new Vice President.


I feel very honored to serve as new IFR President and look forward to a successful

collaboration with Klaus Koenig and our IFR members, says Milton Guerry. He held the position of IFR Vice President since December 2019. Milton succeeds Steven Wyatt (ABB, Switzerland), who is leaving ABB and the robot industry. Steven held the rotating post of President since December 2019 and prior to that served on a two-year term as IFRs Vice President.


Milton Guerry thanked Steven Wyatt for his many years of successful work for the International Federation of Robotics: Steven did a wonderful job to support the world of robotics. He inspired the robotics industry and their stakeholders, such as the representatives of national robotics associations from all over the globe, delegates of robot manufacturers and research institutes as well as the media. We will continue his mission to further improve the understanding of the rapidly changing world of robotics and automation.


Milton Guerry heads the SCHUNK USA team as its President based in Morrisville, North Carolina. He joined SCHUNK in 2000 and has held various leadership roles, assuming his current role as President in 2007. Milton is a member of the Robotic Industries Associations (RIA) Board of Directors. He began his career in the automotive industry in a number of engineering and technical functions.



Klaus Koenig serves as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of KUKAs Robotics division based in Augsburg, Germany. He joined KUKA AG in July 2017 as Chief Operating Officer (COO). Before, he had held various leadership positions in the German automotive industry. During his career he also took on international jobs, with multi-year assignments operating out of Canada and Italy. Klaus holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the University RWTH in Aachen, Germany.




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