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发布时间:2007-07-09 来源:中国自动化网 类型:企业资讯 人浏览


导  读:

   Siemens adds Foundation fieldbus, plus other features, to Simatic PCS 7

SPRING HOUSE, Pa., March 15, 2007 - Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. today announced the release of Version 7 of their field proven SIMATIC PCS 7 Process Automation System that gives plant operators new ways to minimize total cost of ownership, protect automation assets, increase plant availability, minimize downtime, optimize process performance, and modernize existing installed systems.
As with previous versions of the PCS 7 system, Version 7 breaks traditional DCS limitations by offering the world’s only platform that integrates new and existing automation systems (process, batch, discrete and safety) and devices (instrumentation, analytics, motors, drives, and safety instrumented functions) within a single platform. The system also boasts common tools for engineering, visualization, and plant-wide asset and maintenance management.
"These improvements are the result of experience gained from installing over 5,000 PCS 7 systems worldwide over the past 10 years," said Raj Batra, vice president, Siemens Automation and Motion Division. "Version 7 eliminates the limitations of common control systems with a single platform that can start small and be expanded with future growth. Regardless of the size or scope of the operation, PCS 7 can handle the process."
New capabilities offered with Version 7 include:
Configuration / Change Management - New tools, including Security and Access control, Version Trail, Version Management, and Change Logging help minimize project risk, maximize traceability, and comply with FDA 21 CFR Part 11.
Redundant fieldbus with Safety Communication - New PROFIBUS PA re-dundancy provides increased availability and reliable safety communication for instrumentation and control elements.
Integration of Foundation Fieldbus - Engineers who have standardized on Foundation Fieldbus instrumentation can integrate with PCS 7 and Siemens plant-wide asset management system.
Smart Alarm Management - Advanced alarm management tools help mini-mize unplanned downtime and achieve operational excellence with state-based alarming and alarm shelving.
Industrial / Cyber Security - A comprehensive approach to industrial security (virus scanners, firewalls, user management, access control, auto-configuration of Windows firewalls, and "defense in depth" architectures) helps protect automation assets from cyberspace threats.
Plant Asset Management and Condition Monitoring- Siemens plant asset management system has been expanded to support user-defined equipment assets (including heat exchangers, distillation columns, tanks, and others). The expansion also defines key asset condition monitoring (including pump power consumption and pressure drop). As a result, plants may implement preventive and predictive maintenance strategies to minimize costs.



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