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当前位置:自动化网>自动化搜索>mini 的搜索结果


共 241 条结果
  • 更新:2013-09-17
    PCMini52温湿度变送器 迷你探头

    亮点 %RH、露点、绝对湿度、湿球温度与温度等输出 优异的线性,(µP) 微处理器温度补偿 功耗低,稳定时间快 小尺寸: 80mm x ø12mm 技术指标 …

  • 更新:2013-08-14

    Gemini GV6K Servo Drive/Controller Combines the powerful features of the 6K Controller with the Gemini GV digital servo drive for a complete stand-alone servo solution in one small package Six powerful ranges for up to 11.8 kW of continuous power Full ASCII commun…

  • 更新:2013-08-14

    Incorporates all of the powerful features of the Gemini GV digital servo drive Provides six power ranges for up to 11.8 kW of continuous power Stand-alone servo controller and drive in one small package Full ASCII communications capability Control featur…