The RD8300 is the most advancedpaperless recording systemavailable. It incorporates the latestin measurement, communication,interface and processingtechnologies to deliver unmatchedperformance for your dataacquisition application.The RD8300 series utilizes a highcontrast 142 mm (5.6") color ActiveMatrix TFT LCD display with arugged touch screen. Use a fingeror the onboard stylus, if you prefer,to perform data entry and systemnavigation. The front panel is alsofully compliant to IP65 for use industy or wet areas. An intuitive icondriven menu system guides the userthrough easy to follow setup andcontrol screens. The display builderfeature makes setting up customscreens extremely simple. Designup to 50 custom displays containingvarious combinations of indicatortypes such as horizontal and verticalbar graphs, large and small digitalindicators and horizontal or verticaltrends. On-screen help is availablethroughout the menu system toassist you during setup and use.
When it comes to storing data, theRD8300 is extremely flexible. Datacan be stored to the non-volatileinternal flash RAM or any of theavailable storage drives includingCompactFlash
and USB providedthere is media present.
Programmable record start and stoptimes allow the user to start andstop recording at predeterminedintervals. Data may also be storedto a remote PC via Ethernet usingthe optional Exhibitor Software. Inaddition, the built in OPC Serverallows any OPC compliant softwareclient to connect to, communicatewith and retrieve data. The RD8300utilizes many layers of security toprotect the integrity of your storeddata. All data is stored in anencrypted binary format whichprevents data tampering andmaximizes compression. The frontaccess media door is lockable toprevent unauthorized access to theinternal removable storage media.There are 3 levels of passwordprotection to prevent unauthorizedentry into critical recorder functionmenus. To ensure that data files arecompletely error free the RD8300has a built-in rechargeable NickelMetal Hydride battery backupsystem that constantly monitors theincoming power source. In the eventof a power loss or power dip, theRD8300 seamlessly switches overto the internal power and begins asafe and controlled systemshutdown. When power is restoredthe recorder immediately returns tothe last state of operation. Thisguarantees that data files will neverbe corrupted by unexpected powerconditions.
Powerful Math PackageThe onboard math package isextremely powerful. It allows theuser to input complex polynomialequations using constants, customfunctions and variable inputsobtained from live channels. Theresultant information can bedisplayed and recorded as a realtime channel. Using the intuitivecalculated channel setup menu theuser enters in the formula and canperform a test to make sure theformula is accurate.
Unique SoundsUnique .wav files may be uploadedand played through the internalspeaker to alert of specific types ofalarms. Use any .wav file, evencustomize your own spoken wordannouncements. In areas wherethere is a high level of ambientnoise the alarm .wav files can beoutput to a P.A. system or amplifiedspeakers via the rear mountedaudio connector. Each alarmsetpoint can have a unique soundfile associated with it. In the alarmsetup menu simply select the .wavfile you want to play when the alarmis active.
Remote ControlThe remote control feature extendsthe graphic user interface of theRD8300 Series directly onto yourlocal PC. Use remote control andyour desktop PC’s mouse andkeyboard to view real time data,change settings, start and stoprecording or virtually anything elseyou can do with the recorders touchscreen. Across the plant or acrossthe planet, remote controlempowers you with virtualpresence.
Using the record setup menu, theuser can select which channels torecord, the sample storage rate,whether to record alarms and/orevents, and the start/stop time anddate for the record session. Thelocation of the data file is selected inthis menu along with the data filename. The user can also configurethe unit to start or stop recording onan alarm level or an externallytriggered input.
Media Storage LocationsFront Accessible (Lockable): CompactFlash
, USB host(for memory stick)
Rear Accessible: USB host, Ethernet
Internal: 512 MB standard (larger sizes available)
Exhibitor Software Network OverviewExhibitor Software is an extremelypowerful set of tools thatcompliments the RD8300 andother OPC compliant devices.Incorporating functions to simplifydata management via searching,reviewing, printing, or exportinghistoric data, Exhibitor Softwareallows real-time monitoring andrecording independently as well,while historic recording is notaffected. Also featured is the OPCClient which enables the user tobuild custom screens selectingvarious display elements and datafrom multiple OPC Servers,including devices other thanRD8300’s. (Windows
Customizable Real-Time ViewUse Exhibitors design pagefeatures to create custom realtime display projects that canbe saved and recalled with aclick of the mouse. Createbar graphs, digital panelmeters, thermometers ortrend screens from live datacoming from any RD8300 orother OPC compliant deviceaccessible on the network.Using the OPC devicemanager, Exhibitor allows youto connect to OPC serversanywhere there is a networkconnection. A user definablelist of data is then accessibleby the design page, wherecustomized real-time displaysare built using the user friendlygraphic user interface. Toplace items, simply point,clicks, and drags. Save yourproject for future use and thenext time it is opened allservers are automaticallyconnected and data will begindisplaying immediately. Goone step further, and recordreal time data to your PC.
Graphical ReviewThe composite graphicalview can display all inputsand calculated data from aparticular recording session.The user is able to manipulatethe graph to make it easy tosee interaction betweenrecorded channels, turnchannels off and on, changecolor schemes, expand,compress, zoom, and print.Individual channels can bedisplayed for detailed analysis.There is a summary functionfor the individual channelswhich provides minimum,maximum, averages and timeand date for the records. Thesame analysis tools used forthe multi-channel graph areused to scroll through data,zoom, review and expand thesingle channel graphs.
Tabular Data ReviewThe data table view displaysrecorded data in tabular format. Allrecorded information within a filecan be viewed or deselected alongwith time stamps. Using the oneclick export feature, the table can beexported to Excel™ in its entirety orin portions. The data table andgraph can be synchronized so thatthey are interactive during analysisof records. Double clicking a valuein the data table will automaticallybring you to the graph page withthat value and time highlighted.Move the cursor over the point anddetailed information is provided.Also available are separate alarm,event, and memo review screens.Memo review lists all on-screenannotations in a record.
SPECIFICATIONSInput Resolution: 0.0015% of full scale, 16 bit unless otherwise stated
Input Impedance: >1 MΩ
Input Channels: 6 or 12 direct input plus 6 additional calculated channels
Maximum Input: 50 Vdc
Isolation: Channel to Channel: 350 Vdc or RMS AC
Channel to Chassis: 2000 Vdc or RMS AC
Isolation Category II: Pollution Degree 2
Measurement Rate: 10 times per second on all direct input channels
Common Mode Noise Rejection: >100 dB, 50/60 Hz, filter enabled
Normal Mode Noise Rejection: >50 dB at 50/60 Hz, filter enabled
Math Functions: Fully programmable +, -, x, /, square root, sine, cosine, tangent, log, totalization, powers, averages, conditional logic; AND, NOT, OR, +, >, <, gated timers; can use live channels in calculation; can define 6 constants and 6 functions per channel Analog Inputs
DC Voltage: ±125 mV, ±250 mV, ±500 mV, ±1.00V, ±3.0V, ±6.0V, ±12.0V, ±24.0V
Accuracy: Ranges to 1V }0.06%, Ranges > 1V ±0.1%
DC Current: 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 10 to 50 mA
Accuracy: ±0.15% using external 50Ω 0.1% 1.4 watt shunt
Thermocouple (Per ITS90):Resolution: 0.1‹C, thermocouple
burnout detection: automatic Reference Junction Compensation
Accuracy: ±2.5‹C (0 to 50°C)
Data Storage Capacity: Data stored in non-volatile RAM and recorded
automatically to:Removable Media Types: CompactFlash
Þ or USB drive to 4 GB
Internal Media Type: SD card (secure digital) to 4 GB
File Types: Data files, alarm and event files, configuration files, language files, multiple files of different names on a single disk Display
Type: Color CCFL backlit active matrix TFT liquid crystal display
Size: 142 mm (5.6") diagonal RTD
Base Accuracy: 0.2% or 0.5°C (1°F)
Resolution: 0.1°C, 2 or 3 wire connection; cable compensation to +50 Ω, open and short circuit detection
Resolution: 320 W x 240 H pixels
Interface: Resistive analog touch screen control
Display Builder: Allows user to create custom displays Frequency Inputs (2 or 4 Channels):
Range: 0 to 5000 Hz all channels, 0 to 10,000 Hz 1 channel
Accuracy: 0.005% ±1 digit Recording
Recording Rates: User programmable from 10 samples per second to 1 sample every 24 hours
Data Format: Proprietary encrypted format, user file naming
Display Modes: Graphic trending (vertical or horizontal), bar graphs (vertical or horizontal), digital meter (large or small), alphanumeric alarm and event log
Virtual Chart Speed: Programmable from 10 mm/hr to 10,000 mm/hr (0.5 inch/hour to 600 inches/hour)
Display Windows: Time/date, graphics (bars, large digital, trends) disk status, system status, menu button bar, unit identification, alarms/events Communications
Network: 10/100 Base T Ethernet per 802.3, RJ45 connection
Servers: Webserver supports http and ftp protocols, OPC Modbus over ethernet server
Serial: Isolated RS485/RS232 Modbus
® interface (option) Power
Requirements: 100 to 240 Vac, 50/60 Hz; 35 VA max optional ±15%
Power Fail Protection: Programmed parameters stored in non-memory; clock battery backed; internal battery backup provides shutdown and the ability to survive brownouts and short blackouts seconds)
Power Output: Optional isolated 24 Vdc @ 120 mA output Input/Output
Digital I/O: 6 or 12 relay outputs, form A (normally open SPST contacts) rated at 200 Vdc @ 0.5 A max, 2 digital control inputs +5 to +12 Vdc @ 20 mA (optional), control inputs may be used for record start/stop, alarm acknowledge and channel reset functions Safety and Environmental
Operating Range: Protection: IP65 when mounted in panel
Safety: Meets the requirements accordance of EN61010-1 when installed in accordance with the instructions in the manual
UL and cUL: Pending
EMC: Meets the requirements of EN61326.2003 and CE directive 89/336/EEC
Weight: Approximately 3.17 kg (7 lb)
Standard Features - 142 mm (5.6") color QVGA TFT LCD display with touch screen and integral stylus
- CompactFlash drive (front), USB thumb drive port (front)
- USBmaster(rear), USB slave (rear), Internal memory
- Mouse/keyboard connection (rear)
- Audio: line in, line out, microphone (rear)
- RJ45 ethernet port (rear)
- NEMA 4 (IP65) front bezel with locking media drive door