分  类:测量测试仪器

品  牌:欧米茄

厂  商:Omega工业测量(中国)

型  号:SMSC-TC


发布时间:2019-12-19 16:51 浏览人数:


  • Provides Isolated, Linearized DC Output in Proportion to Thermocouple Input
  • Field Configurable Thermocouple Types
  • Eliminates Ground Loops
  • Thermocouple Burnout Detection
  • Wide-Ranging 50% Zero and Span Adjustability
  • ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability

  • The SMSC-TC isolating thermocouple conditioneroffers wide ranging input and output capability. TheSMSC-TC can be field configured by the user to acceptinput from thermocouple Types J, K, T, E, R, S, and Band to provide current or voltage output. The output islinearized to temperature according to the particularthermocouple type.

    The SMSC-TC is a three-port industrial isolator—theoutput is optically isolated from the input up to 1500 V,and both input and output are transformer isolatedfrom the line power. Isolation allows the noise reductionbenefits of grounded thermocouples to be realizedwithout creating ground loop problems and it providesfaster response. The SMSC-TC utilizes the latest inadvanced analog/digital signal processing technology.In addition to its multiple microprocessors, it employsspecial ASIC circuitry for high accuracy and reliability.

    The SMSC-TC is equipped with cold-junctioncompensation (CJC) circuitry to provide icepointreference. Upscale, downscale or disabledthermocouple burnout detection is switch selectable.

    The SMSC-TC is useful in any application requiring anisolated DC output from a thermocouple input. Typicalapplications include energy management and dataacquisition of process temperatures. The output of theSMSC-TC can drive a digital meter for direct displayor interface with a computer for monitoring and controlapplications.

    Model SMSC-TC is equipped with top-mounted LEDsfor INPUT (green), TROUBLE (yellow) and CAL OK(yellow). At start-up, both the INPUT and the CAL OKLEDs light up momentarily for 1 second. Afterwards,these LEDs flash alternately for 10 seconds whilestartup takes place.

    The input LED is a diagnostic tool. It remainscontinuously lit if the measured temperature is withinthe selected range of the thermocouple. However, ifthe measured temperature is outside the full rangeof the thermocouple (for example, for a Type J belowminus 200°C or above 750°C), the LED will flash at arate of 4 or 8 Hz for under/over range, respectively. Ifthe thermocouple is within the full temperature range,but outside the selected sub-range (for example, if aType J thermocouple is set for a range of 375 to 500°Cand the temperature is either below 375°C or above500°C) the LED will flash at 0.5 or 1 Hz respectively.

    The CAL OK LED is continuously on when the deviceis properly storing the factory calibration referencevoltage. The TROUBLE LED is off during normaloperation of the device.

    A major advantage of the SMSC-TC is its wide rangingcapabilities and ease of configuration. The SMSC-TCenables 50% input zero and span adjustability withinthe selected sub-range.

    For example for Type E thermocouple range from-18 to 125°C, since the span can be contracted by50%, this enables an input span as narrow as 50%of 143, or 72°C. This span can then be positionedanywhere within the temperature range and can havea zero step-up as large as 50% of the full scale range(e.g. span can start as high as 53°C).

    The factory default configuration for the model SMSC-TC is as follows:
    Input: Type J
    Range: 0 to 500°C (32 to 932°F)
    Output: 4 to 20 mA
    Burn Out: Upscale

    Ranges: Field configurable, see table
    Impedance: >1 MΩ
    Input Bias Current (Burnout Detection): <1.5 µA
    Overvoltage: ±10V differential
    Common Mode (Input to Ground): 1500 Vdc or peak AC, max
    Zero and Span Range:
        Zero Turn-Up: 0 to 50% of full scale range
        Span Turn-Down: 100 to 50% of full scale range
    Voltage Output (Dip-Switch Selectable):
        Ranges: 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V
        Impedance: <10 Ω
        Drive: 10 mA max (1 kΩ min)
    Current Output (Dip-Switch Selectable):
        Ranges: 0 to 1 mA, 4 to 20 mA
        Impedance: >100 kΩ
        Compliance: 10 V max (500 Ω max @ 20 mA)
    Response Time (10 to 90%): 500 mSec, typical
    Stability: ±0.04%/°C of full scale range
    Isolation: 1500 Vdc or peak AC between input, output and power
    ESD Susceptibility: Meets IEC 801-2, Level 2 (4 kV)
    Common Mode Rejection: DC to 60 Hz: 120 dB
    LED Indicators:
        Trouble LED: Yellow - off during normal device operation
        Input LED: Green - continuously on if input is withinselected range, flashes otherwise
        CAL OK LED: Yellow - continuously on in normal deviceoperation
    Thermocouple Burnout Detect: Field-configurable Upscale or Downscale, or disabled
    Humidity (Non-Condensing):
        Operating: 25 to 95% RH @ 45°C (113°F)
        Soak: 90% RH for 24 Hours @ 65°C (149°F)
    Temperature Range:
        Operating: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)
        Storage: -15 to 75°C (5 to 167°F)
        Consumption: 3 W typical, 5 W max
        Standard: 120 Vac ±10%, 50 to 60 Hz
        Optional: 240 Vac
    Weight: 282 g (0.62 lb)



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