The OM-PR Series pressure/temperature data loggersare battery powered stand alone water tight compactdata loggers that record up to 64,000 samples ofpressure and/or temperature data. These data loggerscan be configured to record pressure and temperature ora parameter alone to maximize data storage space.The unit is easily configured using the includedWindows® software. Simply connect a standard USBcable to the logger and an open USB port on yourPC and the Windows software automatically identifiesthe data logger. Configure the unit to start and stoprecording at a predetermined time and date or onlywhen an alarm condition is sensed. The sample storagerate can be set from 1 sample every 2 seconds up to1 sample every 24 hours. The on board data storageis non-volatile so data will not be lost in the event of adepleted battery.The OM-PR Series pressure/temperature data loggersare available in several pressure (0 to 35, 0 to 150,0 to 350, 0 to 550, 0 to 2000, 0 to 5800 psia) andvacuum (760 and 380 Torr) ranges. The data loggeris packaged in a rugged submersible 316L stainlesssteel housing and has a standard ¼ NPT fitting. Thereplaceable internal lithium battery has up to a 5 year life.The Windows software is a powerful data acquisitionpackage and is included with every OM-PR Series datalogger. It allows for easy setup, retrieval, interpretationand export of the recorded data. Simply connectyour data logger to an open USB port and begincommunicating immediately.Choose absolute or gauge readings, as well as yourpressure scale from a list that includes kPA, MPA,Bar, milliBar, mmHG, Atm, PSI, pascal, inH2O andtorr. Record the average, instantaneous, maximum, orminimum pressure during your sample interval. Pointand click to select your sample interval, alarm set points,engineering units and recording triggers.View a numerical data table or graphical representationof data readings relative to time. Use the graph toolssuch as zoom, cursor, min and max to examine andanalyze the record. The Windows software turns yourPC into a real time data acquisition system by allowingyou to stream graphical or tabular data directly toyour PC. Stored data can be exported into an Excelspreadsheet.
Pressure Ranges: 0 to 35, 0 to 150, 0 to 350, 0 to 550, 0 to 2000, 0 to 5800 psia
Vacuum Ranges: 760 Torr, 380 Torr
Accuracy: ±1%
Resolution: 0.01 psia
Repeatability: ±0.05%
Overpressure Rating: 1.5 times maximum
Port Connection: ¼ NPT male
Temperature Range: -20 to 85°C (-4 to 185°F)
Accuracy: ±1°C, 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F); ±2°C, -20 to 85°C (-4 to 185°F)
Resolution: 0.1°C (0.1°F)
Sample Rate: User configured 1 every 2 seconds to 1 every 24 hours
Number of Samples: 32,000 or 64,000 (depends on setup)
Record Trigger: Two independent triggers
Multiple Trigger Modes: Instantaneous, button control, on alarm, time and date (start and stop), day of week
Record Mode: Fill to end of memory or cyclic, number of samples and time duration
Alarms: 2 user programmable alarms, high or low
Communication: Direct USB connection
Software: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 and 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Battery Type: 1/2AA, 3.6V, 1.2Ah lithium battery (included)
Battery Life: Up to 5 years typical @ 1 minute sample rate
Material: 316L stainless steel
Dimensions (Excludes Port Thread): 5.6 H x 5 cm dia (2.19 x 1.95")
Weight: 0.9 kg (2.0 lb)