OM-PL Series

OM-PL Series

分  类:测量测试仪器

品  牌:欧米茄

厂  商:Omega工业测量(中国)

型  号:OM-PL Series


发布时间:2019-12-19 16:50 浏览人数:


  • Measure and Record Temperature, Relative Humidity, Pressure, 4 to 20 mA, AC Voltage and AC Current
  • Selectable Sample Rate: 1 Second to 18 Hours (1 Second Increments)
  • Real Time Data Monitoring
  • High/Low Alarm Threshold Settings
  • Visual Alarm Indication
  • User Selectable Recording Start (Specified Date and Time, Immediate After Setup or on Door Close)
  • 20 Month Battery Life (at 1 Minute Sample Rate)

  • OM-PL Series Temperature and Temperature/Humidity Models are in the end of life cycle. As a possible substitute, please check out Newest Released Temperature and Humidity Portable Data Logger OM-HL-SH Series for more advanced features.

    The OM-PL Series data loggers areversatile devices that can be usedfor a wide range of loggingapplications. Each data logger iscapable of sampling data as fast asonce per second or as slow as onceevery 18 hours. The data logger canstop recording when memorybecomes full, or rollover forcontinuous recording. The start ofrecording is software selectable tobe immediate, delayed, or initiatedwhen the datalogger door is closed.The data loggers can also be usedto monitor high and low alarmevents, that indicate if the recordeddata passed above and/or below theuser selected threshold. The alarmevents are stored separately fromthe data samples and are notaffected by data rollover. When therecorded data passes the high orthe low alarm threshold, thedata logger records the time of thealarm. When the recorded datareturns to within the acceptablerange, the data logger records theduration of the alarm. Up to 50 suchalarm events can be recorded. Thedatalogger has a visual indication ofan alarm condition without the needto connect to the computer.

    The data loggers have an internalreal time clock/calendar. This realtime clock is used to record the timestamps for data samples and alarmevents. This real time clock isindependent of your computer clock,and can be set separately, or set tomatch your computer clock. Thedata loggers provide a high level ofdata security. They have physicalsecurity, where the data accessdoor is locked, and softwaresecurity. It is virtually impossible tofalsify the sample data or alarminformation of the OM-PL Seriesdataloggers. The data loggers areextremely low power. Under normaloperating conditions, a 9 voltalkaline battery will last from 18months to 2 years.

    OM-PL Series data loggers havethe capacity to store over 10,000readings. Simply connect thedatalogger to your PC’s serial portand use the available Windowssoftware to set up the parametersfor your recording session. Once thedatalogger is set up you candisconnect it and put it in the field torecord data. The data logger doorcan be locked on to preventaccidental or intentional disruptionsof the recording session. Whenrecording is completed, reconnectthe data logger to your PC anddownload the recorded data usingthe Windows software. TheWindows software allows you toview recorded data in text orgraphical format. Models areavailable to record internaltemperature and an externaltemperature channel (OM-PLT2),two external temperature channels(OM-PLTT), temperature, humidityand dew point (OM-PLTH),temperature and pressure(OM-PLPT), AC currentand voltage (OM-PLCV),4 to 20 mA (OM-PL420), andinternal temperature and an externalthermocouple input (OM-PLTC).

    Operating Temperature Range(Datalogger):

    0 to 60°C(32 to 140°F) using alkaline battery;
    -40 to 65°C (-40 to 150°F) usinglithium battery
    Humidity: 0 to 95% RH,non-condensing
    Storage Temperature: -40 to 77°C(-40 to 170°F)
    Time Accuracy: ±100 ppm @ 75°F
    Power: 9 V alkaline or lithiumbattery
    Battery Life (average use): 20months using alkaline battery,
    40months using lithium battery
    Dimensions: 7.6 x 6.4 x 2.8 cm(3 x 2.5 x 1.1")
    Weight: 71 g (2.5 oz)
    Software: XP/Vista/7/8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
    Measurement Interval: 1 secto 18 hrs
    (selectable in 1 secondincrements)
    Computer Interface: RS-232standard;
    for computers with onlya USB port,
    use model no.OM-PL-USBS (RS-232/USBadaptor)

    one internal temperaturechannel and one
    externaltemperature channel
    Sample Point Capacity:
    21,500points for single channel;
    10,750points per channel for dual channel
    Alarms: high and low alarms
    forinternal and external channel
    Temperature Range: internalsensor;
    0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F) withalkaline battery,
    -40 to 65°C (-40 to150°F) with lithium battery:
    externalsensor; -40 to 65°C (-40 to 150°F)
    Accuracy: ±0.5°C (±1.0°F)
    Resolution: 0.05°C (0.1°F)
    External Probe TemperatureRange:
    -40 to 65°C (-40 to 150°F)
    Calibration: single point offsetcalibration available throughsoftware

    two external
    temperature channels
    Sample Point Capacity: 21,500
    temperature points for single
    channel (1 probe); 10,750
    temperature points per channel
    for dual channel (2 probes)
    Alarms: high and low alarms
    foreach probe
    External Probe TemperatureRange:
    -46 to 150°C (-50 to 300°F)
    Accuracy: ±1°C (±2°F)
    Resolution: 0.05 °C (0.1°F)
    Probe: 76 mm (3") stainless steeltip,
    1.8 mm (6') cable
    Calibration: single point offsetcalibration available throughsoftware
    Battery Life (average use): 20months using alkaline battery,
    40months using lithium battery

    two internal channels(temperature and humidity);
    two calculated channels (dew pointand wet bulb)
    Sample Point Capacity: 21,500 fortemperature only;
    10,750 points fortemperature, humidity and dewpoint
    Alarms: high and low alarms
    fortemperature & humidity.
    Temperature Range: 0 to 60°C(32 to 140°F) with alkaline battery
    -40 to 65°C (-40 to 150°F) withlithium battery
    Temperature Accuracy:±1°C (±2°F)
    Resolution: 0.05°C (0.1°F)
    Relative Humidity Range:
    0 to 99.9% RH, non-condensing
    Relative Humidity Accuracy:
    ±2% full scale, from 0% to 95% RH
    for temperatures between 0 to 60°C(32 to 140°F)
    Relative Humidity Resolution:0.1% RH
    Calibration: single point offsetcalibration
    available throughsoftware; humidity is factorycalibrated

    two external channels;
    temperature and pressure
    Sample Point Capacity:
    21,500points for temperature or pressure;
    10,750 points for both pressure andtemperature
    Alarms: high and low alarms
    fortemperature and pressure
    Temperature Range: -40 to 65°C(-40 to 150°F)
    Temperature Accuracy:±0.5°C (±1°F)
    Resolution: 0.05°C (0.1°F)
    Temperature Probe: -40 to 65°C(-40 to 150°F)
    Pressure Range: 0 to 500 psi
    Pressure Accuracy: ±3 psi
    Pressure Resolution: 0.15 psi
    Pressure Sensor: stainless steelsensor 1.8 m (6') cable,
    1/4 " NPTmale pressure port)
    Operating Temperature Range(Pressure Sensor):
    0 to 54°C(32 to 130°F)
    Calibration: single point offsetcalibration available throughsoftware;
    pressure is factorycalibrated


    two channels,one for internal ambienttemperature
    and one forexternal thermocouple input
    Measurement Capacity:10,750 points for both internal
    temperature and externalthermocouple input
    Thermocouple Types(External Channel):
    J, K, T, E, R, S (softwareselectable)
    Thermocouple TemperatureRanges:
    Type J;
    -79 to 732°C(-110 to 1350°F):
    Type K; -140 to 1038°C(-220 to 1900°F):
    Type T; -148 to 349°C(-235 to 660°F):
    Type E; -59 to 560°C(-75 to 1040°F):
    Type R; 0 to 1449°C(32 to 2640°F):
    Type S; 0 to 1449°C(32 to 2640°F)
    Thermocouple Connection:
    subminiature femalethermocouple jack
    Accuracy (ThermocoupleChannel):
    Type J,K,T;
    ±0.8°C (±1.5°F):
    Type E; ±0.6°C (±1.0°F):
    Type R,S; ±2.8°C (±5°F)
    Resolution (ThermocoupleChannel): 0.05°C (0.1°F)
    Accuracy (Internal Channel):±1°C (± 2°F)
    Resolution (Internal Channel):0.05°C (0.1°F)
    Alarms: high and low alarms
    forthermocouple and ambienttemperature
    Calibration: single point offsetcalibration available
    throughsoftware for both internal
    ambientchannel and external thermocouplechannel

    one 4 to 20 mA input
    Measurement Capacity:21,500 points
    Alarms: high and low alarms
    Input Current Range: 0 to 40 mA
    Current Accuracy: ±0.05 mA
    Current Resolution: 0.01 mA
    Calibration: single point offsetcalibration available throughsoftware

    two channels,one for AC current (measured
    using supplied current probe),and one for AC voltage
    Sample Point Capacity: 21,500points for current or voltage;
    10,750points for both current and voltageAlarms:
    high and low alarms forcurrent and voltage
    Current Range: 0 to 300 Aac
    Current Accuracy: ±5%
    Current Resolution: 0.1 Aac
    Voltage Range: 0 to 500 Vac
    Voltage Accuracy: ±1 Vac
    Voltage Resolution: 0.1 Vac
    Calibration: single point offsetcalibration available throughsoftware; current and voltage arefactory calibrated

    Sampling Interval:
    User selectablefrom 1 second to 18 hours,
    in 1second increments
    Interface: COM (RS232) serial port.Software supports COM1 throughCOM8. Optional USB interface(model no. OM-PL-USBS).
    Alarms: Visual alarms with userselectable low
    and high thresholds forevery channel
    Alarm Memory: Up to 50 alarmevents.
    Alarm start time and alarmduration is stored
    Data Security: Locking sliding doorprevents physical access to thelogger data. Unique factory set loggerID.Data collection session counter
    Compatibility:XP/Vista/7/8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
    Minimum System Requirements:8MB of RAM, 2M
    of disk space, 800 x 600resolution, 1 free COM port or a freeUSB port
    (optional USB interface isrequired: model no.OM-PL-USBS)
    Recording Start: On door close,
    immediate after setup, or at a userspecified date and time
    Recording Mode: Stop on memoryfull,
    or continuous recording withmemory rollover
    Real Time Status: Visual indicationthrough the status LED. Userselectable
    status display frequencyand LED brightness, Software realtime status
    User Calibration: Passwordprotected calibration for each channel
    User Message:Up to 30 characters
    Logger Channels: User selectable.Disabling channels increases
    thestorage capacityof the other channels
    Units: US and Metric(user selectable units)
    Data Format: Custom formatexportable to text or Excelspreadsheet.
    Real Time Monitoring: Logger canbe permanently connected to thecomputer
    and used as a real time,multichannel sensor with loggingcapability.
    Battery does not drainwhen logger is connected to thecomputer

    Images of OM-PL Dataloggers



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