分  类:测量测试仪器

品  牌:欧米茄

厂  商:Omega工业测量(中国)

型  号:DRI-AC


发布时间:2019-12-19 16:48 浏览人数:


  • Provides an Isolated DC Output in Proportion to an AC Input
  • Eliminates Ground Loops
  • Field Configurable Input/Output Ranges
  • Touch Calibration Technology
  • Universal AC Power 85 to 265 Vac

  • The DRI-AC is a DIN rail mount, AC inputsignal conditioner with 1800 Vdc isolationbetween input, output and power. Thefield configurable input and output offersflexible, wide ranging capability for scaling,converting or buffering AC inputs rangingfrom 5 mA to 100 mA AC or 50 mV to 300 Vac.

    For current inputs above 100 mA, it isrecommended that an input shunt resistor be usedand the DRI-AC be configured for the proper inputrange. For example, a 5A current transformer outputcan use a 0.1 O, 5 W shunt resistor with the input of theDRI-AC set for 0 to 500 mV AC.

    The DC output of the DRI-AC is proportional to theaverage of the fully-rectified AC input signal, and iscalibrated for sine waves between 40 to 400 Hz.

    The DRI-AC utilizes Touch Calibration technology whichgreatly simplifies calibration. The thermal drift andmechanical variability of the potentiometers has beenremoved and replaced with a digitally stable circuit.Once the unit is configured via DIP switches for voltageor current, the pushbutton is used to precisely calibratethe minimum and maximum levels.

    To set the input level within the dip switch configuredrange, simply apply the high input signal (voltage orcurrent) and push the CAL button. The low input signalis then applied and pushing the CAL button againstores the low input signal. The high and low inputlevels are stored in nonvolatile memory and correspondto the high and low output levels. These output levelsare precisely adjusted using the input signal.

    Touch Calibration technology enables precisecalibration and provides more than 90% offset of thezero value and adjustment down to 10% of the full scaleinput span for most of the 16 switch selectable inputranges. For example, the dip-switch configured 0 to 200Vinput range could be calibrated via pushbutton for 0 to80V (i.e. 60% span reduction) or offset to a range of120 to 200V (i.e. 60% offset and 60% span reduction).If the output was configured for 0 to 10V, then 120 to200V input would correspond to the 0 to 10V full scaleoutput. Input ranges such as 180 to 200V or 0 to 20Vare possible using the 0 to 200V range.

    Advanced digital technology combined with ASICtechnology allows the DRI-AC to be field configuredfor virtually any AC input to DC output within the limitsspecified.

    The output of the DRI-AC can drive a digital meter fordirect display or can interface with alarm or controldevices including PLCs and computers.

    The DRI-AC has three diagnostic LEDs. The green(RUN) LED is used for diagnostics to indicate that poweris on. It will flash quickly if the input signal is above thecalibrated range or slowly if the input signal is belowrange. It is on continuously when the unit is functioningwithin the calibrated range. The yellow (INPUT) LED ison while calibrating the input level. The red (OUTPUT)LED is on while calibrating the output level.

    The DRI-AC can be configured for input ranges from50 mV to 300V or 5 mA to 100 mA, with >90% inputoffset or it will adjust down to <10% of full scale inputspan (except on the 100 mV/10 mA range in whichmaximum offset or gain adjustment is 50%).

    The factory default configuration for the DRI-AC is as follows:
    Input Range: 0 to 500 mV
    Calibrated Output: 4 to 20 mA

    AC Voltage:
        Ranges: 100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 5 V, 10 V, 20 V,50 V, 100 V, 200 V, 300 V (dip-switch selectable)
        Impedance: >100 kΩ
        Overvoltage: 330 Vac
    AC Current:
        Ranges: 10 mA, 20 mA, 50 mA, 100 mA (dip-switch selectable)
        Impedance: 20 Ω, typical
        Overcurrent: 170 mA AC
        Overvoltage: 60 V peak
    Frequency Range: 40 to 400 Hz, factory calibrated at 60 Hz
    Common Mode (Input to Ground): 1800 Vdc max
    Pushbutton Adjustment: Max zero offset and span turn down is 50%

    Voltage Output:
        Range: 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V (dip-switch selectable)
        Source Impedance: <10 Ω
        Drive: 10 mA max (1 kΩ min @ 10V)
    Current Output:
        Range: 0 to 1 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA (dip-switch selectable)
        Source Impedance: >100 kΩ
        0 to 1 mA: 7.5V max (7.5 kΩ max)
        0 to 20 mA: 12V max (600 Ω max)
        4 to 20 mA: 12V max (600 Ω max)
    LED Indication:
        RUN (Green): On when unit is powered; flashes at 8 Hz when input is 7% above max
        INPUT (Yellow): On while calibrating the input level
        OUTPUT (Red): On while calibrating the output level
    Accuracy (Including Linearity & Hysteresis): ±0.1% of span typical, ±0.2% max; ±0.5% of span max (100 mV range)
    Temperature Stability: ±0.025%/°C of selected input span, typical
    Response Time (10 to 90%): 250 msec, typical
    Common Mode Rejection (DC to 60 Hz): 90 dB
    Isolation: 1800 Vdc between input, output and power
    Operating Temperature: 0 to 55°C (32 to 131°F)
    Storage Temperature: -25 to 70°C (-13 to 158°F)
    Humidity (Non-Condensing):
        Operating: 15 to 95% RH @ 45°C (113°F)
        Soak: 90% RH for 24 hours @ 65°C (149°F)
    Power: 100 to 240 Vac ±10%, 50 to 400 Hz; 1.5 W typical, 2.5 W max
    Wire Terminations: Screw terminals for 12 to 22 AWG wire
    Weight: 218 g (0.48 lb)



联系人: 王先生
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