分类:其它 品牌:Gems 厂商:北京欧华联科技有限责任公司 型号:MAG-03 相关行业:
频率范围:DC ..... 3 kHz
分辨率: DC – 30 sec for MT measurements 0.8 * 10-2 nT @30 sec and lower periods
传感器噪音:< 6 pT √Hz @ 1Hz
输出灵敏度:0.1 mV/nT (model L100) 0.143 mV/nT (model L70)
方位误差: < 0.5°
输出电压范围:+/- 10V
测量范围:± 100,000 nT (model L100), ± 70,000 nT (model L70)
连接器:8 pole PT02SE12-10S compatible to MFS coils
温 漂: ± 0.1 nT / °C
偏移误差:± 5 nT
电 压:± 12V to ± 15V stabilized and filtered
电 流:+26mA, -6mA (+1.4mA per 100μT for each axis)
外 壳:坚固、耐用、防水
重 量:2.15 kg
尺 寸:260 x 90 x 180 mm
温度范围:-40°C ..... + 70°C