半导体厂商的主要应用领域已逐渐从传统的工业控制和4C领域,向新能源、轨道交通、智能电网、变频家电等诸多市场迈进。慕尼黑上海电子展关注半导体行业的技术发展趋势,助力更多半导体厂商在新兴领域长足发展。在刚结束的慕尼黑上海电子展上有来自博世、飞兆、飞思卡尔、美光、microchip, International Rectifier,ST意法半导体、silicon labs和东芝半导体集中展示最先进技术方案,引领尖端潮流。
Media Contact:Betsy Wang
MMI (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Tel: +86-21-2020 5500 * 857
Fax: +86-21-2020 5688
Email: wang.bei@mmi-shanghai.com
About electronica China
The electronica China is the leading regional trade show for electronic elements and assemblies and electronics production in China. It takes place in Shanghai each March and is co-located with productronica China. electronica China is the eventin the electronics network of Messe München International. This network of electronics trade fairs includes leading regional events in Delhi, Hong Kong and Shanghai, as well as productronica in Munich. A total of 5.517 exhibitors and 200,000 take part in these events. Further information: www.electronicachina.com
Messe München International
Messe München International is one of the world′s leading trade show companies. In Munich alone it organizes around 40 trade shows for capital and consumer goods, and key high tech industries. Each year more than 30,000 exhibitors and around two million visitors take part in the events held in the New Munich Trade Fair Center, the ICM – International Congress Center Munich, and in the MOC Event and Order Center. The leading international trade fairs of Messe München International are all FKM-certified, i.e. exhibitor and visitor numbers and the figures for exhibition space are collected in line with agreed standards and independently audited on behalf of the FKM (Gesellschaft zur Freiwilligen Kontrolle von Messe- und Ausstellungszahlen), a society for the voluntary monitoring of fair and exhibition statistics.
In addition, Messe München International organizes trade shows in Asia, Russia, the Middle East and South America. With six subsidiaries in Europe and Asia and more than 60 foreign representatives actively serving over 90 countries, Messe München International has a worldwide business network. The Group also takes a pioneering role as regards sustainability: It is the first trade show company to be awarded energy efficiency certification from the technical inspection authorities TüV SüD.