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发布时间:2007-09-19 来源:中国自动化网 类型:企业资讯 人浏览


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September 10, 2007 - PLCopen awarded the first ‘PLCopen Certified Training Institute’ certificate in China to the Zhengzhou University of Light Industry.


After the successful acceptance of the IEC 61131-3 standard first in Europe, and later in the US and Japan, PLCopen took the decision to include China, the country with the biggest potential for automation companies and the highest growth rates. To support this initiative, PLCopen set up a local office in Beijing in 2004, called PLCopen China. The office is located in Beijing at the Chinese organization CAMETA, who supports PLCopen China with people, knowledge and equipment. The chairman of PLCopen China is Professor Peng Yu, from Shanghai. Nowadays, PLCopen China has over 30 local members.

继欧洲成为首个成功接受IEC 61131-3标准的地区,其后是美国和日本,PLCopen决定把中国也包括进来,中国对自动化公司来说具有最大的潜力以及最高的增长率。为了支持这一倡议,PLCopen于2004年在北京设立了一个本地办事处,叫PLCopen中国组织。该办事处设于北京的中国机电一体化技术应用协会,后者为PLCopen中国组织提供人员、知识以及设备。PLCopen中国组织主席是来自上海的彭瑜教授。目前,PLCopen中国组织已经发展了30多家本地成员。

In order to increase the visibility of the IEC 61131-3 standard in China a Chinese website was created, and the IEC standard, documentation and training material were translated, and workshops and training programs started.

为了改善IEC 61131-3标准在中国的直观性,创建了一个中文版网站,而IEC标准、文档以及培训材料也翻译了过来,研讨会和培训项目启动也随之启动。

For this reason PLCopen is proud to announce the next step: acceptance within training courses. The School of Electrical & Information Engineering of the Zhengzhou University of Light Industry is the first institute in China that has been granted the PLCopen Certified Training Certification.


The Zhengzhou University of Light Industry is a member of PLCopen China. Zhengzhou is the capital of the province of Henan, in the middle of China, which is experiencing an economic development at high speed.


The certification is provided for the course IEC 61131-3 Concepts and Languages.

该认证提供了IEC 61131-3概念和语言课程。

This training course was developed by Professor Yonghua Wang of the School of Electrical & Information Engineering, who created the laboratory of PLC Technology and Industrial Control Network in this school. Professor Yonghua Wang has 17 years of experience, including on IEC 61131-3. 

该培训课程由电气信息工程学院王永华教授开设,王永华教授在该学院创立了PLC技术和工业控制网络实验室,在业界拥有17年的经验,包括IEC 61131-3领域。






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