
等 级:金牌企业
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当前位置:自动化网>赫立讯科技(北京)有限公司门户>新加坡Ultro Technologies与Hel

新加坡Ultro Technologies与Helicomm签订加值经销商合约

发布时间:2007-07-06 09:47 来源:企业资讯 类型: 人浏览


20076Helicomm为积极拓展東南亚市场,与新加坡Ultro Technologies正式签订加值经销商合約,经销Helicomm全系列ZigBee产品,Ultro Technologies为亚洲知名民子零件通路商,代理全球知名IC大厂的产品,目前看好ZigBee的发展与潜力,经过審慎评估后选定HelicommZigBee方案为其代理经销产品线之一,并將积极于東南亚推广WSNAsset ManagementIndustrial Control等应用領域。
    Ultro Technologies Limited, a leading supplier of electronic components for the global market since 1987 with its localized offices, staffed with experience in Sales and Field Application Engineering in the ASEAN region, India and China. Ultro carries a wide range of Electronics components both active and passive to serve our customers" ever changing demands and requirements. Ultro"s strength lies with its strong technical / design expertise and solutions offering to demand creation customers. Ultro could make it possible with a dedicated team of engineers, strong management commitment and with the assistance of its various design centers in the region where Ultro operates. Ultro"s wide range of franchised products and supply chain services are to provide a one stop shop services to its customer base. Ultro Technologies is a public listed company on the Singapore Stock Exchange.

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