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发布时间:2006-11-30 来源:中国自动化网 类型:企业资讯 人浏览

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At SPS/IPC/DRIVES 2006, 28 – 30 November 2006, 1,203 exhibitors from
33 countries present themselves to the trade visitors. Within eight exhibition halls of Nuremberg Exhibition Centre the entire spectrum of electric automation including all systems and components is covered.

The growth of the exhibition continues again this year. In 2005 1,160 companies took part in the exhibition, this year another 43 companies joined the event. The exhibition space increased from 73,000 sqm in 2005 up to currently 77,500 sqm. Therefore, but not only due to the size it reached, SPS/IPC/DRIVES is the most successful event about electric automation technology in Europe. Specialized profundity, the density of novelties and the comprehensive presentation of the clearly circumscribed topic ‘electric automation’ are the strong characteristics of the exhibition.

[B]More International Exhibitors[/B]

The number of companies from abroad has increased from 192 to 213. That is a percentage of 18 % of the total number of exhibitors. Italy with
39 companies is the most represented foreign country, followed by Switzerland with 32 exhibitors. Further international exhibitors come from the neighbouring European countries, the United States and Asia to meet trade visitors from Germany and abroad.

[B]Key Topics and Special Topics[/B]Key Topics of SPS/IPC/DRIVES 2006 are ‘Ethernet in Automation’,
‘Safety and Security in Automation’ and ‘Motion Control’. These will be highlighted at the exhibition and at the conference likewise. At the forums within the exhibition halls the key topics are picked up in substance and covered in vendor presentations as well as panel discussions. The SPS/IPC/DRIVES conference offers sessions about the three key topics and two tutorials about ‘Safety and Security in Automation’.

The technologies ‘RFID in Automation’ and ‘Wireless in Automation’, which have been named ‚Special Topics’ for SPS/IPC/DRIVES by the Exhibitors’ Advisory Board, move more and more into the focus of the electric automation industry. At the forums and at the ‚Wireless in Automation’ joint stand at SPS/IPC/DRIVES 2006 these topics will be examined in depth.

[B]Main Topics of the Exhibition Halls[/B]

The exhibition halls have been structured according to their mainly represented topic. The following themes were assigned to the exhibition halls:
Hall 1 and 4: Electric Drives / Motion Control
Hall 5: Mechanical Systems and Periphery
Hall 6 and 7: Control Technology and Sensors
Hall 7A: Software and Sensors
Hall 8: Control Technology and Interface Technology
Hall 9: Control Technology and Interface Technology

[B]SPS/IPC/DRIVES Conference[/B]

At the SPS/IPC/DRIVES conference system solutions and concepts are presented and evaluated on a neutral basis. With 400-500 participants each year, it is the biggest application focussed conferences in German language about automation- and drives-technology. The participants of the conference get to know details about concrete examples of applications, trends and technologies in sessions and tutorials. What they learn here can be applied and implemented in their daily work afterwards. The conference covers the topics AUTOMATION and DRIVES as well as cross topical themes of both areas.
Forums and Special Presentations

At SPS/IPC/DRIVES 2006 the ZVEI (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association) holds panel discussions about current issues of the electric automation branch at the forum in Hall 8. This location as well as the forum in Hall 1 are the places-to-go for trade visitors wanting to catch up on the most discussed trends of automation. The special presentation of the VDMA (German Engineering Federation) points out solutions for the automation of manufacturing facilities. Seven presentations by users demonstrate how manufacturing products and systems can be applied to the advantage of the customers of different parts of the industry.

[B]Joint Stands[/B]

At the ‘Wireless in Automation’ Joint Stand in Hall 8 comprehensive information about wireless communication in the field of automation is provided. On the one hand, exhibitors present their wireless products here. On the other hand, the participants of the joint stand hold application-oriented presentations and speeches about the current themes of wireless technology at the Speakers’ Corner.

In Hall 7A two joint stands are open for trade visitors: ‘LINUX in Automation’ and ‘AMA Centre for Sensorics, Measuring and Testing Technologies’ offer a bundled view into the according topic.

2007 the automation industry meets in Nuremberg from
27 – 29 November 2007.
SPS/IPC/DRIVES 2008 will take place from 25 – 27 November 2008.






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