求购 WT1600 WT1600 波长计WT1600 WT1600
联系: 邹先生
东莞: 13168918785
深圳: 18923859098
电话: 0755-82437689
邮箱 zqb1988623326@163.com
WT1600 WT1600 波长计WT1600 WT1600
WT1600 WT1600 波长计WT1600 WT1600
WT1600 WT1600 波长计WT1600 WT1600
WT1600 WT1600 波长计WT1600 WT1600
Product Details: WA-1600 Wavemeter systems are instruments designed for simple, automatic and accurate wavelength measurement of continuous wave (CW) laser sources. Wavemeter systems count interference fringes produced by the input laser radiation in a scanning Michelson interferometer and simultaneously count fringes from a built-in reference laser. The ratio of the fringe counts of the input laser and the reference laser provides the wavelength of the input laser.
备注:本公司长期回收二手高频仪器示波器 网络分析仪 综合测试仪 频谱分析仪 信号发生器 噪声系数分析仪 电源 功率计 频率计 LCR电子测试仪 电子负载 校准仪 GPIB卡等