回收MS2602A/MS 2602A 频谱分析仪 万生15889559273
长期高价现金回收二手仪器 长期上门收购二手网络分析仪、二手频谱仪、二手信号发生器、二手电子负载、二手频率计、二手射频功率计、二手综合测试仪、二手音频分析仪、二手信号源等高频仪器。资金充裕,单台或大批收购!国内上门回收,中介重酬
The MS2602A is a modern high-performance spectrum analyzer. It has been designed to meet the needs of a new era of expanded use of frequencies in the quasi-microwave band and the trend toward higher performance and more digitized radio equipment. The MS2602A covers frequencies between 100 Hz to 8.5 GHz, and can analyze frequencies up to three to five times the higher harmonics range of domestic digital cordless telephones (1.9 GHz), digital car phones and portable phones (1.5 GHz) and private mobile telephones (1.5 GHz). The MS2602A has a high signal purity (C/N 120 dBc/Hz, 100 kHz offset) and low distortion (100 dBc, 850 MHz minimum) and can accurately measure high performance radio equipment and electronic parts over a wide dynamic range. Time domain and burst measurement functions allow analysis of various burst signals, including time division multiplex (TDM) digital radio communication systems. Adjacent channel leakage power and other high-speed analysis functions for evaluating the performance of radio equipment are provided as standard.
Product Specs:
Frequency Range: 100Hz to- 8.5GHz
Resolution Bandwidth: 10Hz min
Average noise level: <-135dBm.
7” color CRT display
Flash memory card
Keyboard interface.
* High C/N, Low Distortion, High Accuracy
* Time Domain Measurement
* Dual Display Mode
* Multiple Marker Functions
* FM Demodulated Waveform Display