·Data only for 50Ω test sets.For 75Ω test sets and further details please refer to data sheet PD 757.1802.23.Unless otherwise stated,specifications apply to test ports PORT 1 and PORT2,a nominal source power of -10dBm at the test port and an IF bandwidth≤10kHz
·The arrow marks important data.
·Frequency range,measurement speed,dynamic range
·Frequency range
·Without External Measurements option
·with passive test set 50Ω or 75Ω|9kHz to 4Ghz
·with active test set 50Ω or 75Ω|300kHz to 4GHz
·with active test set 50Ω|20kHz to 8GHz
·With External Measurement option
·ZVRL,ZVRE,ZVR|10Hz to 4Ghz
·ZVCE,ZVC|20kHz to 8Ghz
·Relative frequency ·deviation|<2*10^-6+1*10^-6/a
·Measurement speed(above 2Mhz)
·Number of points|1 to 2001(selectable)
·Measurement time per point|IF bandwidth(IFBW)
with system errorcorrection
Fast Mode
with systemerror correction
·Dynamic range(without system error correction)
·(models ZVRL and ZVRE:at IF bandwidth 10Hz values are reduced by 5dB)
IF bandwidth
With passive test set 50Ω
20kHz to 20MHz
200kHz to 20MHz
20MHz to 3Ghz
3Ghz to 4Ghz
With active test set 50Ω
300kHz to 1Mhz
1MHz to 20MHz
20MHz to 3Ghz
3Ghz to 4Ghz
With External Measurements option
50Hz to 200kHz
200kHzto 20MHz
20MHz to 1Ghz
1Ghz to 3Ghz
3Ghz to 4Ghz
·(mode ZVCE:at IF bandwidth 10Hz values are reduced by 5dB)
With active test set 50Ω
20kHz to 200kHz
200kHzto 20MHz
20Mhz to 3Ghz
3Ghz to 4Ghz
4Ghz to 6Ghz
6Ghz to 8Ghz
With External/Measurements option
20kHz to 200kHz
200kHz to 20Mhz
20MHz to 1GHz
1Ghz to 3Ghz
3Ghz to 4Ghz
4GHz to 6GHz
6Ghz t o8GHz
Stability of measurement trace
per degree temperaturevariation
<0.05dBor 0.4°
<0.1 dB or 1°
Measurement bandwidth
(IF bandwidth IFBW)
1Hz to 10kHz (half-decade steps)
and 26kHz(full)
·Measurement accuracy
·The following data are valid between 20℃ and 30℃ provided the instrument has reached thermal equilibrium (about 1 h after switch-on)and the tempera-ture has not varied by more than 1 degree after calibration.
·ZVRE and ZVR(bidirectional network analyzers)
·Accuracy of transmission measurements after full two-part system error cor-rection(TOSM)
·Specificaitons are based on a matched DUT and refer to a nominal source power of -10dBm at the test port.
·With test set 50Ω 300kHz to 4Ghz
at IF bandwidth 10Hz
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -5dB|<0.2dB or 1°
·for -5dB to -60dB(passive|<0.05dB or 0.4°
·for-5dB to -60dB(active)|0.2dB or 1°
·for+3dB to -40dB|typ.<0.025dB
·for-60dB to -70dB|<0.2dB or 1°
·for-70dB to -80dB(ZVRE)|<1dB or 6°
·for-70dB to -85dB(ZVR)|<1dB or 6°
·Accuracy of reflection measurements
·after system error correction (TOSM or full one-port)
·Specificaitons are based on an isolationg DUT and refer to a nominal source power of - ·10dBm at the test port.
·With test set 50Ω
·It is assumed that the return loss of the match used for calibration is >46dB(effective system data:directivity Deff>46dB,test port match Seff>30dB).
·20kHz to 4Ghz(passive test set),
·300kHz to 4GHz(active test set)
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -15dB|<0.4dB +0.04dB/Ghz,<3°+0.4°/Ghz
·for-15dB to -25dB|<1dB or 6°
·for-25dB to -35dB|<3dB or 20°
·Accuracy of transmission measurements
·after full two-part system error correction(TOSM)
·Specifications are based on a matched DUT and refer to a nominal source power of -20dBm at the test port.
·10MHz to 4Ghz
·at IF bandwidth 10Hz
·for +10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -50dB|<0.2dB or 1°
·for+3dB to -40dB|typ.<0.025dB
·for-50dB to -60dB|<0.5dB or 4°
·for-60dB to -70dB(ZVCE)|<1dB or 6°
·for-60dB to -75dB(ZVC)|<1dB or 6°
4Ghz to 8Ghz
·at IF bandwidth 10Hz
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -45dB|<0.2dB or 2°
·for+3dB to -40dB |typ.<0.025dB
·for-45dB to -55dB(ZVCE)|<1dB or 6°
·for-45dB to -60dB(ZVC)|<1dB or 6°
·Accuracy of reflection measurements
·after system error correction (TOSM or full one-port)
·Specifications are based on an isolaitng DUT and refer to a nominal source power of -20dBm at the test port.
·It is assumed that the return loss of the match used for calibration is >40dB(effective system data:directivity Deff>40dB,test port match Seff>30dB).
·20kHz to 8Ghz
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to - ·10dB|<0.4dB+0.04dB/GHz,<3°_0.4°/Ghz
·for=\-10dB to -20dB|<1dB or 6°
·for-20dB to -30dB|<3dB or 20°
·ZVRL(unidirectional network analyzer)
·Accuracy of transmission measurements
·after system error correction (one-path two-port)
·Specifications are based on a matched DUT and refer to a nominal source power of -10dBm at the test port.
·With test set 50Ω
·It is assumed that the return loss of the match used for calibration is >46dB(effective system data:directivity Deff>46dB,test port match Seff>30dB).
·20khz to 4Ghz
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -15dB?|<0.4dB +0.04dB/Ghz,<3° +0.4°/Ghz
·for-15dB to -25dB|<2dB or 6°
·for-25dB to -35dB|<3dB or 20°
·Effective system characteristics(above 200kHz)
·These data are valid between 20℃ and 30℃ provided the instrument has reached thermal equilibrium(about 1h after swithc-on)and the temperature variations is not more than 1 degree after calibration.
ZVRE,ZVR,ZVCE,ZVC(bidirectional network analyzers)
·After full two-port system error correction(TOSM)
Source match
Load match
Transmission tracking
Reflection tracking