许多人面对复杂的USB协议很茫然: ◆ 因为USB接口遵循USB1.1 USB2.0的相关标准,所以开发USB接口相关的产品,首先要了解USB的标准协议和使用相关接口芯片。 ◆ 对于硬件开发人员来说,需要编写驱动程序,快速上手还是有一定难度。而且: ◆ 玩过串口、并口、ISA的人知道这些接口控制编程很简单。 ◆ 现在有关USB接口的产品很火,如U盘,移动硬盘,U口打印机,数码相机等等.... 简单方案: ◆ 推荐两种像黑匣子一样的USB可编程模块: USB203模块(USB1.1标准) USB20D模块(USB2.0标准),可以直接与单片机连接,经过许多同仁使用,反映较好。 ◆ 如果您想玩USB接口,想开发USB产品,将提供详细开发资料。如有兴趣,可以通过以下方式获得详细技术说明及开发资料. data029@126.com, http://www.dataie.com ,QQ: 476968247索取.
Quick USB Module USB20D快速USB开发模块 The Easy-to-Use Hi-Speed USB2.0 Module 简单易用的高速USB2.0模块
The quickest way to add high-speed USB 2.0 to your product is with USB20D. Since all the USB functionality is in the USB20D module, you don"t need to learn USB to add a high-speed USB 2.0 interface to your product. Simply connect your product to the USB20D target interface ports then call the USB20D Library functions to communicate with your product. USB20D is based on the Cypress CY7C68013A-56AXC EZ-USB FX2LP microcontroller. 给产品中增加高速USB2.0接口的最快速的途径就是采用USB20D。不需要学习USB,因为USB20D中包含了所有USB的功能。只要将你的产品与USB20D的用户接口连接起来,通过调用USB20D的库函数就可以完成产品的USB通信功能。CY7C68013A-56AXC EZ-USB FX2LP是USB20D模块的核心控制器。 USB20D is different from most of the other lower cost USB modules because it is optimized for high-speed data transfers while also offering multiple IC interfaces and user programmable I/O. USB20D can transfer data at speeds up to 12MB/sec with older PCI based USB host controllers and speeds of at least 30MB/sec with modern chipset based USB host controllers. USB20D不同于那些低端的虚拟串口USB模块,USB20D所提供的是高速并行数据传输,并为用户提供了多个可编程的输入输出接口。集成了当前先进的USB主控芯片的USB20D模块,其传输速度超过了30MB/sec。 The USB20D Library is included with all USB20D products and includes a driver, interface DLL, example programs and is available for Windows. The USB20D Library also comes with a variety of examples that work right after installation. The Windows version DLL can be called by practically any programming language. USB20D产品的库文件包括驱动安装程序、动态链接库DLL以及大量相关例程。基于Windows操作系统的DLL函数可以由任何计算机高级编程语言调用。 If you need the power of an FPGA to get the job done, or first time buyers should also purchase a USB20D FPGA Demo Board to easily connect your circuits and test equipment to the USB20D module. If you"re building your own circuit board, we offer a USB20D Connector Kit for your convenience. 如果是初次购买USB20D模块,或者需要通过FPGA控制USB20D,建议购买USB20D的FPGA演示板,这样以来就会更容易更快速地测试USB20D模块。如果自己搭建电路,我们提供了相关的连接资料。 Contact 咨询方式 For pricing and other information contact: Xi"an DATAIE Electronic Co., Ltd., 5th Floor, WeiZhi Tech. Building ,2nd KeJi Road, Xian, China, phone 0086-29-88317318 Mobile: 0086-136-0911-0981 http://www.dataie.com , dataie@gmail.com , MSN: dataie029@hotmail.com 西安达泰电子有限责任公司西安市高新区科技二路61号伟志科技苑A座五层 029-88354535,88354536 http://www.dataie.com