检测端安全型/Mesasuring End Safe Type 安全栅 --- 热电偶输入,单/双路输出 Thermocouple input, single/double channel output 安全栅 --- 热电阻输入,单/双路输出 Thermal resistance input, single/double output 安全栅 --- 电流及二、三线制变送器输入,单/双路输出 Current and two-write and three-write transmitter input, single/double channel output 安全栅 --- 电压输入,单/双路输出 Voltage input, single channel output 安全栅 --- 开关量输入,开关量输出 Switching value input and switching value output 操作端安全型/Operational End Safe Type 安全栅 --- 电流输入,单路输出 Current and two-wire and three-wire transmitter input, single channel output 安全栅 --- 电压输入,单路输出 Voltage input ,single channel output 安全栅 --- 开关量输入,开关量输出